The Evolution from Umien to Dine Classic: A New Chapter for Our Beloved Kitchen Brand

There are times in the journey of a brand when change is not just an option, but a necessity. And sometimes, this change can open the door to a new world of opportunities and growth. Today, we're excited to share with you a significant transition in our brand's story.

We are pleased to announce that our esteemed kitchen brand, previously known as Umien, will now be called DineClassic.

Why DineClassic?

The name Umien has served us well, representing the dedication, innovation, and trustworthiness that we’ve always strived for. However, as we look to the future and our plans to introduce new product lines, innovations, and global reach, we felt that a new name would better encapsulate the essence and vision of our brand.

"Dine" evokes the idea of delightful meals, shared memories, and the heart of every home - the kitchen. "Classic" connotes timeless, elegance, and durability, attributes that our products have consistently delivered over the years. Together, DineClassic reflects not only the core of our offerings but our commitment to bringing classic, enduring value to every dining experience.

A Name Change, Not a Values Change

While our brand name might be getting a makeover, our values remain the same. Dine Classic will continue to uphold the legacy of Umien – offering top-tier kitchen products that blend functionality with aesthetics. We're still dedicated to ensuring that every product we release brings joy, efficiency, and sophistication into your kitchen.

Looking to the Future

As Dine Classic, we are invigorated with a renewed sense of purpose. We look forward to launching a range of new products that embody our brand's ethos and resonate with our cherished customers. Our aim remains to ensure that every meal prepared using Dine Classic products feels special, every dish looks tempting, and every kitchen speaks of style and functionality.

In Closing

We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all our loyal customers who have been part of the Umien journey. Without your support, trust, and feedback, we wouldn't be where we are today. As we embrace this new chapter as Dine Classic, we invite you to be part of this exciting journey with us. Let's continue to create delectable dishes, share hearty laughs, and craft countless memories in our kitchens.

Here's to new beginnings, and here’s to always dining in style with DineClassic. 🍽️🥂

Dine Classic

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